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Summary: Community Roundtable Discussion

On the 10th of October, 12 Umbracians got together for the first Community Roundtable Discussion. On the agenda was just one topic: “How to sustain the continuous development of the Umbraco Project and the Umbraco community?” In this post you’ll find the notes from this discussion:

#umbraco #community #roundtable

Saving the world with Umbraco and GraphQL

Laura shows us how to use GraphQL with Umbraco to get bespoke data alongside Umbraco content from a custom dashboard, and does so to build a tool to track her own carbon footprint as part of her efforts to help contribute to saving the world.

#umbraco #graphQL #climate-change #skrift

Women who code in the Umbraco community: Laura Weatherhead

Laura's thoughts on coding, Umbraco and gender equality in tech industry

#social #umbraco #community #opinion

The (He)Art of Umbraco #UmbUkFest ‘18

November 2018, the Barbican, London - the “friendly” CMS lives up to its name.

#umbraco #conference #festival #coverage #experience